Keith Christ Releases Inspiring New Single “Seek First”

Keith Christ
Keith Christ

Keith Christ is thrilled to announce the release of his new single, “Seek First,” a heartfelt tribute that beautifully intertwines the Lord’s Prayer with an uplifting romance of saxophones dedicated to God.

On June 5, 2024, while relocating from Brisbane and staying at a friend’s house, Keith felt a divine prompting from the Holy Spirit: “You are to write a song called ‘SEEK FIRST.’” He responded with an open heart, and in moments, the lyrics began to flood his being. He reflects, “I’m not giving you a preach on this song—originally, I meant for it to be shorter, but as I entered the studio that Thursday morning, I was glad we decided to create a longer backing track.” The first words that flowed were not just lyrics but an adaptation of the Lord’s Prayer, reflecting Keith’s deep love and commitment to God.

“Seek First” aims to serve as an anthem for others, encouraging them to seek, draw near, and cultivate an intimate relationship with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Keith hopes the song resonates with listeners, inspiring them to pursue their faith with the same passion and devotion he has experienced.