REVERE Unveils Quadrilingual Rendition of “How Great Thou Art”


Worship collective REVERE breaks new ground with the release of a captivating quadrilingual version of the beloved hymn “How Great Thou Art.”

The group embarked on a worshipful journey to Sweden, where they brought together songwriters from diverse nations to collaborate on creating and recording songs of reverence. The first fruit of this collaborative effort is a live rendition of “How Great Thou Art,” recorded in the historic St. Clara Church in Stockholm, with 600 churchgoers and visitors joining in the harmonious worship experience.

Led by a multilingual ensemble, including Becca Folkes (English), Joseph Espinoza (Spanish), Rodrigo and Mari Campos (Portuguese), Sarah Lündback Bell, and Johan Åsgärde (Swedish), this rendition of “How Great Thou Art” captures the heart and essence of REVERE’s mission—to unite every tribe in worshiping God. The unscripted and beautiful moment unfolds with Dwan Hill skillfully playing the grand piano, creating a transcendent atmosphere of adoration and unity.

As REVERE continues to break down language barriers through worship, this quadrilingual rendition of “How Great Thou Art” stands as a testament to the collective’s commitment to fostering a global worship experience, where diverse voices join together to exalt the greatness of God. Experience the beauty and unity of this unique rendition as REVERE invites listeners to join the international chorus of worshipers